Woodbrooke Clinic, Bournville
is where our in person training and treatments happen. We offer natural therapy treatments here, including our small group auricular acupuncture clinic to promote relaxation and wellbeing and individualised foot reflexology.

Microsystems Therapies and Training are FHT Accredited Course Providers and NADA GB approved Trainers in auricular acupuncture and auricular therapy. We train healthcare workers, therapists and those with a personal interest to deliver auricular acupuncture and needle free protocols to support mental and physical health.
Founder and Owner Anna Venables has over 25 years experience as a complementary therapist. She has a special interest in supporting those affected by mental health difficulties. Anna is a Specialist SEMH Practitioner (PG Cert.) and Specialist Substance Misuse Worker (PG. Cert.) qualified to deliver evidence based psychosocial interventions to support common mental health difficulties (anxiety) and SEMH neurodivergent presentations (ADHD.)


Book our FHT accredited and NADA GB approved training both face to face training and online.

Freddie belongs to MTAT and he adores visiting Woodbrooke to watch the resident heron and scent the local fox and wildlife. He's very careful not to tread on the precious plants.

Anna Venables is an Acupuncture Regulatory Authority Registrant https://acupunctureregulatoryauthority.org.uk/ara-members-list/

Anna Venables is a FHT Accredited Short Course Provider https://www.fht.org.uk/users/venables39732

Anna Venables is an approved NADA GB Trainer https://www.nadagbacupuncture.co.uk/

Anna Venables holds Post Graduate Certificates in SEBD and Mental Health, Treatment of Substance Misuse and Introductory Cognitive Behaviour Approaches from University of Birmingham

MTAT are partners with Phoenix Medical Acupuncture Supplies to offer you an exclusive MTAT Practitioner Starter Pack

Westminster insurers offer a discount for MTAT and NADA GB students